Browse Books in Christian Ministry

Preaching The Big Questions
Doctrine Isn't Dusty

Joining God, Remaking Church, Changing the World
The New Shape of the Church in Our Time

A Culture of Faith
Evangelical Congregations in Canada

Messe, Missa Canta et Ambula (PDF numérique)

Messe, Un esprit nouveau (PDF numérique)
Harmonisation à quantre voix mixtes avec accords

Messe « Missa Canta et Ambula » (paquet de 10)

Messe « Un esprit nouveau » (paquet de 10)

Mission Life in Cree-Ojibwe Country
Memories of a Mother and Son

Embracing an Alternative Orthodoxy Participant's Workbook
Richard Rohr on the Legacy of St. Francis

En mission dans la tourmente des dictatures

Catch the Fire
Soaking Prayer and Charismatic Renewal

En mission dans la tourmente des dictatures (numérique PDF)

Law, Freedom and Story
The Role of Narrative in Therapy, Society and Faith

The Dance Between God and Humanity
Reading the Bible Today as the People of God

Being A Man After God's Own Heart

After Evangelicalism
The Sixties and the United Church of Canada

Faire Église autrement
Revue et augmentée

China Interrupted
Japanese Internment and the Reshaping of a Canadian Missionary Community

Prophetic Identities
Indigenous Missionaries on British Colonial Frontiers, 1850-75

Keeping the Faith
Memory and History in Nunavut Volume Three

Good Intentions Gone Awry
Emma Crosby and the Methodist Mission on the Northwest Coast

Postcards from the Valley
Encounters with Faith, Fear and God

Pastoral Prayers to Share Year B
Prayers of the People for Each Sunday of the Church Year

Notre vie ne sera pas détruite
Homélies de funérailles