Browse Books in Christian Ministry

Lectionary Story Bible- Year A
Year A

A Conspiracy of Love
Living Through and Beyond Childhood Sexual Abuse

China's Millions

Le dialogue pastoral
Outils de réflexion et de mise en oeuvre

Adventures of the God Detectives

After the Beginning

Marketing the Gospel in English Canada, 1884-1957

Conspiracy of Love
Living Through and Beyond Childhood Sexual Abuse

Christ Plays in Ten Thousand Places Study Guide

The Social Setting of the Ministry as Reflected in the Writings of Hermas, Clement and Ignatius

Methodist Education in Peru
Social Gospel, Politics, and American Ideological andEconomic Penetration, 1888–1930

Prophets, Pastors and Public Choices
Canadian Churches and the Mackenzie Valley Pipeline Debate

Clinical Pastoral Supervision and the Theology of Charles Gerkin

A Victorian Missionary and Canadian Indian Policy
Cultural Synthesis vs Cultural Replacement

Of God and Maxim Guns
Presbyterianism in Nigeria, 1846-1966

Missionary Oblate Sisters
Vision and Mission

Au lever du soleil
Homélies pour l'année B - Évangile de Marc

Canadian Missionaries, Indigenous Peoples
Representing Religion at Home and Abroad

In War and Famine
Missionaries in China's Honan Province in the 1940s

Preacher, Can You Hear Us Listening?

Healing in the Wilderness
A History of the United Church Mission Hospitals

Theology for Ministry

The Sword of the Lord
Military Chaplains from the First to the Twenty-First Century
Beyond Churchianity
Insights from Japan for a World-Changing Christianity