Browse Books in Political Science

Identity, Interest, and Strategy

Designer Animals
Mapping the Issues in Animal Biotechnology

Designer Animals
Mapping the Issues in Animal Biotechnology

International Migration in Uncertain Times

Postcolonial Sovereignty?
The Nisga’a Final Agreement

Why Catholics Are Right

North America’s Lost Decade?
The Munk Debate on the Economy
Strong Hearts, Native Lands
Anti-Clearcutting Activism at Grassy Narrows First Nation

Working People in Alberta
A History

Life, Fish and Mangroves
Resource Governance in Coastal Cambodia

Interregional Migration and Public Policy in Canada
An Empirical Study

Security and Conflict
Evolving Theory and Practice

Women, Politics, and Public Policy
The Political Struggles of Canadian Women

Blue-Green Province
The Environment and the Political Economy of Ontario

Political Marketing in Canada

The Life and Times of Liberal Democracy

Follow the Money
Where Is Alberta’s Wealth Going?

The Evolving Canadian Crown

Implementing Evidence-Informed Practice
International Perspectives

On Oligarchy
Ancient Lessons for Global Politics

Urban Aboriginal Policy Making in Canadian Municipalities

Rebuilding Canadian Party Politics

The Freedom of Security
Governing Canada in the Age of Counter-Terrorism
High Ideals and Noble Intentions
Voluntary Sector-Government Relations in Canada