Browse Books in Political Science

From New Public Management to New Political Governance
Essays in Honour of Peter C. Aucoin

The Politics of Race
Canada, the United States, and Australia

This Crazy Time
Living Our Environmental Challenge

Building from the Local for Global Justice

International Trade Law and Domestic Policy
Canada, the United States, and the WTO

Social Democracy After the Cold War

So Near Yet So Far
The Public and Hidden Worlds of Canada–US Relations

The Midas Touch
Counterfeit Stock, Naked Short Selling & Selling America Short

The Canadian Election Studies
Assessing Four Decades of Influence

Canada: The State of the Federation, 2008
Open Federalism and the Spending Power

Canadian Social Policy, Fifth Edition
Issues and Perspectives

Commemorative Medals of The Queen's Reign in Canada, 1952–2012

Commemorative Medals of The Queen's Reign in Canada, 1952-2012

International Perspectives
Integration and Inclusion

J. Edgar Hoover Goes to the Movies
The FBI and the Origins of Hollywood's Cold War

Among The Truthers
North America's Growing Conspiracist Undergro

Modern Warfare
Armed Groups, Private Militaries, Humanitarian Organizations, and the Law

Gender, Politics and Society in Ukraine

Elections in Oxford County, 1837-1875
A Case Study of Democracy in Canada West and Early Ontario

Middle Income Access to Justice

Global Ecopolitics
Crisis, Governance, and Justice

Oil and Gas in Federal Systems

Privilege and Policy
A History of Community Clinics in Saskatchewan

May Day
A Graphic History of Protest