Browse Books in Political Science

Brokering Access
Power, Politics, and Freedom of Information Process in Canada

Reimagining Intervention in Young Lives
Work, Social Assistance, and Marginalization

Africa’s Deadliest Conflict
Media Coverage of the Humanitarian Disaster in the Congo and the United Nations Response, 1997–2008

Des histoires du Québec selon Jean-François Lisée

Walking Home
The Life and Lessons of a City Builder

Fools Rule
Inside the Failed Politics of Climate Change

Canadian Politics and Government in the Charter Era

Raids to Regulations
The Continuing Struggle to Disrupt Illicit Hawala Channels

From Manila to Manitoba
Winnipeg's Filipino Health Professionals (c. 1950-1970)

Pirates Of Somalia

Health and Sustainability in the Canadian Food System
Advocacy and Opportunity for Civil Society

Canadian Annual Review of Politics and Public Affairs, 2005

The Canadian Regime
An Introduction to Parliamentary Government in Canada, Fifth Edition

Three Bio-Realms
Biotechnology and the Governance of Food, Health, and Life in Canada

Afghanistan in the Balance
Counterinsurgency, Comprehensive Approach, and Political Order

Secret Service
Political Policing in Canada From the Fenians to Fortress America

Doing the Continental Teachers' Guide
Dundurn Teachers' Guide

Building Sustainable Peace

Retooling the Humanities
The Culture of Research in Canadian Universities

Toward Sustainable Communities (PDF)
Solutions for Citizens and Their Governments - Fourth Edition

Toward Sustainable Communities (EPUB)
Solutions for Citizens and Their Governments - Fourth Edition

Chasing the Dragon in Shanghai
Canada’s Early Relations with China, 1858-1952

Forest Economics

Challenges in Public Health Governance
The Canadian Experience