Browse Books in Political Science

Has the European Experiment Failed?
The Munk Debate on Europe

Living Indigenous Leadership
Native Narratives on Building Strong Communities

Imperfect Democracies
The Democratic Deficit in Canada and the United States

Living Indigenous Leadership
Native Narratives on Building Strong Communities

Made in Madagascar
Sapphires, Ecotourism, and the Global Bazaar

North America in Question
Regional Integration in an Era of Economic Turbulence

Urban Sustainability
Reconnecting Space and Place

The Right to a Healthy Environment
Revitalizing Canada's Constitution

Fight the Right
A Manual for Surviving the Coming Conservative Apocalypse

Becoming Water
Glaciers in a Warming World

Gift Ecology
Reimagining a Sustainable World

Digging the City
An Urban Agriculture Manifesto

Becoming Water
Glaciers in a Warming World

Shifting the Ground of Canadian Literary Studies
Nation-State, Indigeneity, Culture

Two-Edged Sword
The Navy as an Instrument of Canadian Foreign Policy

Mugabe and the Politics of Security in Zimbabwe

Merger Delusion
How Swallowing Its Suburbs Made an Even Bigger Mess of Montreal

Little Black Lies
Corporate & Political Spin in the Global War for Oil

Foucault and the Indefinite Work of Freedom

Is This Your First War?
Travels Through the Post-9/11 Islamic World

Legislated Inequality
Temporary Labour Migration in Canada

When the Gods Changed
The Death of Liberal Canada

A Companion to Michael Oakeshott

Still Counting the Dead
Survivor's of Sri Lanka's Hidden War