Browse Books in Political Science

Manuel populaire de citoyenneté
une réponse au conservatisme canadien

A Season In Hell

Constructions of Neoliberal Reason

Sword of the Spirit, Shield of Faith
Religion in American War and Diplomacy

A Two-Edged Sword
The Navy as an Instrument of Canadian Foreign Policy

Weapons of Mass Destruction and the New Strategic Environment

An Introduction to International Health, 2nd Edition

Dilemmas, Challenges, and Ethics of Humanitarian Action
Reflections on Médecins Sans Frontières' Perception Project

Haiti’s New Dictatorship
The Coup, the Earthquake and the UN Occupation

101 Letters to a Prime Minister
The Complete Letters to Stephen Harper

Lévesque: ses idées, son projet, ses rêves
Les grands textes de L'actualité (1976-1999)

Immigrant Integration in Federal Countries

Arming and Disarming
A History of Gun Control in Canada

Arming and Disarming
A History of Gun Control in Canada

Canada in the World
Internationalism in Canadian Foreign Policy

Introduction to Politics
First Canadian Edition

Canada and World Order
The Multilateralist Tradition in Canadian Foreign Policy

Still Dying for a Living
Corporate Criminal Liability after the Westray Mine Disaster

The Merger Delusion
How Swallowing Its Suburbs Made an Even Bigger Mess of Montreal

The Democratic Imagination
Envisioning Popular Power in the Twenty-First Century

Infrastructure Critical
Sacrifice at Toronto's G8/G20 Summit

Civil Elegies

La vraie Pauline Marois

The Apocalyptic Politics of Collapse and Rebirth