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Browse Books in Political Science

Wilderness and Waterpower

How Banff National Park Became a Hydro-Electric Storage Reservoir

by (author) Christopher Armstrong & H.V. Nelles

Glorify the Empire

Japanese Avant-Garde Propaganda in Manchukuo

by (author) Annika A. Culver

Readings in Political Ideologies since the Rise of Modern Science

by (author) H.B. McCullough & Wolfgang Depner

Prime Movers of Globalization

The History and Impact of Diesel Engines and Gas Turbines

by (author) Vaclav Smil

Education in the Best Interests of the Child

A Children's Rights Perspective on Closing the Achievement Gap

by (author) R. Brian Howe & Katherine Covell

Whatever Happened to the Music Teacher?

How Government Decides and Why

by (author) Donald J. Savoie

Immigration, Integration, and Inclusion in Ontario Cities

edited by Caroline Andrew
by (author) John Biles & Meyer Burstein

Parks, Peace, and Partnership

Global Initiatives in Transboundary Conservation

contributions by Michael S. Quinn, Len Broberg, Wayne Freimund, David A. Mihalic, Peter Jacobs, Gillian Anderson, Betty Weiler, Jennifer Laing, Susan A. Moore, Barbara Ehringhaus, Angeles Mendoza Sammet, J. Todd Walters, David Mabunda, Freek Venter, Danie Pienaar, Piet Theron, Michael L. Schoon, Goetz Schuerholz, Rolf D. Baldus, Bartolomeu Soto, Kevan Zunkel, Robert Fincham, Theresa Sowry, Kent L. Biringer, K.C. Cariappa, Hall Healy, Animesh Sarkar, Milindo Chakrabarti, Charles C. Chester, Belinda Sifford, Lynda H. Schneekloth, Kerry Mitchell, Patrick Robsen & Robert G. Shibley

Rise of the Rest: Opportunities and Implications

edited by David A. Beitelman & Jean-François Bélanger

Can the World Tolerate an Iran with Nuclear Weapons?

The Munk Debate on Iran

by (author) Amos Yadlin, Charles Krauthammer, Fareed Zakaria & Vali Nasr
edited by Rudyard Griffiths

Empire's Ally

Canada and the War in Afghanistan

by (author) Jerome Klassen & Greg Albo

Overpromising and Underperforming?

Understanding and Evaluating New Intergovernmental Accountability Regimes

by (author) Peter Graefe
edited by Julie Simmons & Linda A. White

Dispatches from the Occupation

A History of Change

by (author) Stephen Collis

The transatlantic divide

Foreign and security policies in the Atlantic alliance from Kosovo to Iraq

edited by Osvaldo Croci & Amy Verdun

Some Great Idea

Good Neighbourhoods, Crazy Politics and the Invention of Toronto

by (author) Edward Keenan

Where No Doctor Has Gone Before

Cuba’s Place in the Global Health Landscape

by (author) Robert Huish

Diverse Nations, Diverse Responses

Approaches to Social Cohesion in Immigrant Societies

edited by Paul Spoonley
by (author) Erin Tolley

Shifting the Ground of Canadian Literary Studies

edited by Smaro Kamboureli & Robert Zacharias

Race and Rights

Fighting Slavery and Prejudice in the Old Northwest, 1830-1870

by (author) Dana Elizabeth Weiner

W L Mackenzie King Volume I, 1874-1923

A Political Biography: Kingsmere Edition

by (author) Robert Dawson

Better Doctors, Better Patients, Better Decisions

Envisioning Health Care 2020

edited by Gerd Gigerenzer & J.A. Muir Gray

Trudeau Transformed

The Shaping of a Statesman 1944-1965

by (author) Max Nemni & Monique Nemni

Planning Canadian Regions

by (author) Gerald Hodge & Ira M. Robinson

Cuba and Its Neighbours

Democracy in Motion

by (author) Arnold August

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