Browse Books in Political Science

Small Nations, High Ambitions
Economic Nationalism and Venture Capital in Quebec and Scotland

Closing Sysco
Industrial Decline in Atlantic Canada's Steel City

Countering Violent Extremism and Terrorism
Assessing Domestic and International Strategies

In Praise of Blood
The Crimes of the Rwandan Patriotic Front

Nested Federalism and Inuit Governance in the Canadian Arctic

Who Belongs in Quebec?
Identity Politics in a Changing Society

Finance or Food?
The Role of Cultures, Values, and Ethics in Land Use Negotiations

Royal Progress
Canada's Monarchy in the Age of Disruption

Indigenous Empowerment through Co-management
Land Claims Boards, Wildlife Management, and Environmental Regulation

The Motivation to Vote
Explaining Electoral Participation

Inside a Police Informants Mind

Not for King or Country
Edward Cecil-Smith, the Communist Party of Canada, and the Spanish Civil War

Elect Her
Still Struggling to be Recognized as Equals

Terrorism and Counterterrorism in Canada

The Skin We're In
A Year of Black Resistance and Power

Corporate Social Responsibility and Canada's Role in Africa's Extractive Sectors

The Oxford Handbook of Global Health Politics

International and Transnational Criminal Law 3/e

Beyond the Periphery of the Skin
Rethinking, Remaking, and Reclaiming the Body in Contemporary Capitalism

Diplomacy and the Arctic Council

Left Transnationalism
The Communist International and the National, Colonial, and Racial Questions

The First Century of the International Joint Commission

A Rebel's Journey
Mostafa Sho'aiyan and Revolutionary Theory in Iran

The Life and Death of Albert Goodwin