Browse Books in Political Science

Anatomy of an Election
Canada's Federal General Election of 2019 Through the Lens of Political Law

The Canadian Labour Movement
A Short History

The Tenth Justice
Judicial Appointments, Marc Nadon, and the Supreme Court Act Reference

Do Androids Dream of Electric Cars?
Public Transit in the Age Google, Uber, and Elon Musk
Ce n'etait pas nous les sauvages
Le choc centre les civilisations europeennes et autochtones

The Point Is to Change the World
Selected Writings of Andaiye

Inalienable Properties
The Political Economy of Indigenous Land Reform

Pathways of Reconciliation
Indigenous and Settler Approaches to Implementing the TRC's Calls to Action

Restoring American Democracy

Rebels, Reds, Radicals
Rethinking Canada’s Left History

Global Political Economy

Geopolitical Amnesia
The Rise of the Right and the Crisis of Liberal Memory

Seven Absolute Rights
Recovering the Historical Foundations of Canada's Rule of Law

International Spectrum Policy

We Resist
Defending the Common Good in Hostile Times

Democracy May Not Exist, but We'll Miss It When It's Gone

Won’t Get Fooled Again
A Graphic Guide to Fake News

Toronto's Lost Villages

WWII Codebreakers and Spies
How British Intelligence & Special Operations Changed the Course of History

Spectres of Fascism
Historical, Theoretical, and International Perspectives

Sick of the System
Why the COVID-19 Recovery Must Be Revolutionary

Turbulent Times, Transformational Possibilities?
Gender and Politics Today and Tomorrow

Orwell in Cuba
How 1984 Came to Be Published in Castro’s Twilight

A Songwriter's Story of Hope, Change, and Courage