Browse Books in Literary Criticism

The Epigram in England, 1590-1640

Cultural Hermeneutics
Essays after Unamuno and Ricoeur

Reading Alice Munro, 1973-2013

Writing in Engineering
A Brief Guide

Iskwewak Kah' Ki Yaw Ni Wahkomakanak, Second Edition
Neither Indian Princesses nor Easy Squaws

Illuminating Theatre for Young People

Libre Acceso
Latin American Literature and Film through Disability Studies

On Civic Republicanism
Ancient Lessons for Global Politics

Egil, the Viking Poet
New Approaches to 'Egil's Saga'

The Oxford Handbook of John Donne

Writing between the Lines
Portraits of Canadian Anglophone Translators

A Study of Editorial Practices

Women's Hebrew Poetry on American Shores
Poems by Anne Kleiman and Annabelle Farmelant

Knights in Arms
Prose Romance, Masculinity, and Eastern Mediterranean Trade in Early Modern England, 1565-1655

St. Denys Garneau & Anne Hebert

Timing Canada
The Shifting Politics of Time in Canadian Literary Culture

Aesthetics against Imperialism

Anniversary Essays on Alexander Pope's 'The Rape of the Lock'

Anglo-Saxon Manuscripts
A Bibliographical Handlist of Manuscripts and Manuscript Fragments Written or Owned in England up to 1100

The Collected Works of Gerard Manley Hopkins
Volume III: Diaries, Journals, and Notebooks

Women and War in Antiquity

Unsustainable Oil
Facts, Counterfacts and Fictions

From the Bible to Cloud Atlas