Browse Books in History

Scandalous Conduct
Canadian Officer Courts Martial, 1914–45

The Heart of Toronto
Corporate Power, Civic Activism, and the Remaking of Downtown Yonge Street

Apostles of Inequality
Rural Poverty, Political Economy, and the Economist, 1760-1860

Ghosts of War
Chasing My Father's Legend Through Vietnam

The Rooming House
The West Coast in the Seventies

Who By Fire
War, Atonement, and the Resurrection of Leonard Cohen

Hastings Mill
The Historic Times of a Vancouver Community

The 2006 Season at Tall al-‘Umayri and Subsequent Studies

Spiritualizing Politics without Politicizing Religion
The Example of Sargent Shriver

305 Lost Buildings of Canada

Sephardi Voices
The Untold Expulsion of Jews from Arab Lands

Louisiana Creole Peoplehood
Afro-Indigeneity and Community
Marriage, Separation, and Divorce in England, 1500-1700

Le féodalisme dans la vallée du Saint-Laurent
Un problème historiographique

The Education of Augie Merasty

Indonesia Journal
October 2021

In Those Days: Inuit and Explorers
Inuit and Explorers

Know It All
Finding the Impossible Country

The Acid Room
The Psychedelic Trials and Tribulations of Hollywood Hospital

Serpent River Resurgence
Confronting Uranium Mining at Elliot Lake

Biographical Dictionary of Enslaved Black People in the Maritimes

The Moving Statues of Seventeenth-Century Amsterdam
Automata, Waxworks, Fountains, Labyrinths

Unsettling the Great White North
Black Canadian History

The Volunteers
How Halifax Women Won the Second World War