Browse Books in History

Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow
The change, growth and development of the Italian-Canadian business community In Toronto and the GTA from the 20th century until today

Building the Army’s Backbone
Canadian Non-Commissioned Officers in the Second World War

White Space
Race, Privilege, and Cultural Economies of the Okanagan Valley

Callings and Consequences
The Making of Catholic Vocational Culture in Early Modern France

Canada to Ireland
Poetry, Politics, and the Shaping of Canadian Nationalism, 1788–1900

Life and Death in Revolutionary Ukraine
Living Conditions, Violence, and Demographic Catastrophe, 1917-1923

Canada to Ireland
Poetry, Politics, and the Shaping of Canadian Nationalism, 1788-1900

Residential Schools: Righting Canada's Wrongs
The Devastating Impact on Canada's Indigenous Peoples and the Truth and Reconciliation Commission's Findings and Calls for Action

Montreal at War, 1914-1918

Magic in the Dark
One Family's Century of Adventures in the Movie Business

Vancouver Vice
Crime and Spectacle in the City's West End

Fighter, Worker, and Family Man
German-Jewish Men and Their Gendered Experiences in Nazi Germany, 1933-1941

German Social Democracy through British Eyes
A Documentary History, 1870-1914

Kingdom of Night
Witnesses to the Holocaust

The Correspondence of Erasmus
Letters 2940 to 3141, Volume 21

Indigenous Peoples of Western Canada in Historic Photographs

Nursing Shifts in Sichuan
Canadian Missions and Wartime China, 1937–1951

To Share, Not Surrender
Indigenous and Settler Visions of Treaty Making in the Colonies of Vancouver Island and British Columbia

Before We Lost the Lake

Emil Fackenheim's Post-Holocaust Thought and Its Philosophical Sources

How to Live Like a Monk
Medieval Wisdom for Modern Life

The Concentration of Power
Institutionalization, Hierarchy & Hegemony

Merchant Kings
When Companies Ruled the World, 1600-1900

Ancient Land, New Land
Skmaqn - Port-la-Joye - Fort Amherst National Historic Site of Canada