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Scholastic Canada Ltd

Books from this publisher

Princesse Polly et le poney

by (author) Susanna Davidson
illustrated by Dave Hill

Aladin et sa lampe magique

by (author) Katie Daynes
illustrated by Paddy Mounter

Put Me in a Book!

by (author) Robert Munsch
illustrated by Michael Martchenko

Mets-moi dans ton livre!

by (author) Robert Munsch
illustrated by Michael Martchenko

In Too Deep

A Robyn Hunter Mystery

by (author) Norah McClintock

Timothy and the Dragon's Gate

by (author) Adrienne Kress

La Glace

Je t'aime comme...

by (author) Marion Dane Bauer
illustrated by Caroline Jayne Church

Journey to Mars

Quest for the Red Planet

by (author) Jonathan Webb

Je peux lire! Niveau 1 : Je n'aime pas les chats

illustrated by Hans Wilhelm

The Quiz Book for Boys

by (author) H. Becker

Le Canada vu de près : Yukon

by (author) Adrianna Morganelli

Le Canada vu de près : Territoires du Nord-Ouest

by (author) Rachel Eagen

Le Canada vu de près : Nouvelle-Écosse

by (author) Carrie Gleason

Le Canada vu de près : Manitoba

by (author) Rachel Eagen

Le secret des Pokémon roses

by (author) Tracey West

My Story: Viking Blood

Tor Scaldbane, Scandinavia, 1008 AD

by (author) Andrew Donkin

Just One Goal! (Tell Me A Story!)

Book and CD

narrator Robert Munsch
illustrated by Michael Martchenko

Raconte-moi une histoire : Le bouffon de la classe

by (author) Robert Munsch
illustrated by Michael Martchenko

100 blagues! Et plus... N° 24

by (author) Julie Lavoie
illustrated by Dominique Pelletier

La Bataille commence

by (author) Tracey West

Je peux lire! Niveau 3 : Le but gagnant

by (author) Kate Flanagan
illustrated by True Kelley

Histoires de fantômes

by (author) Russell Punter
illustrated by Mike Phillips

Les animaux de la forêt tropicale

by (author) Tracey West

Vanishing Habitats

illustrated by Robert Bateman

Change of Heart

A Robyn Hunter Mystery

by (author) Norah McClintock

Canada Close Up: Canada's Dinosaurs

by (author) Chelsea Donaldson
illustrated by John Bindon

Le Hockey ses supervedettes 2009-2010

by (author) Paul Romanuk

Je suis gentil

by (author) David Parker
illustrated by Meredith Johnson

Je partage

by (author) David Parker
illustrated by Jill Dubin

Canada Close Up: New Brunswick

by (author) David Fancy

Je travaille en équipe

by (author) David Parker
illustrated by Jill Dubin

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