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Scholastic Canada Ltd

Books from this publisher


by (author) Elizabeth Kann
illustrated by Victoria Kann

Scholastic Canada Book of Lists 2

by (author) James Buckley Jr & Robert Stremme

Pet Vet Book 2: The Mare's Tale

by (author) Darrel Odgers & Sally Odgers
illustrated by Janine Dawson

Les coccinelles

Mission : adoption : Presto

by (author) Ellen Miles

Le Canada vu de près : Québec

by (author) Marguerite Rodger

Combien de bestioles?

by (author) Fredrick L. McKissack & Patricia C. McKissack
illustrated by Mike Cressy

Canada Close Up: Prince Edward Island

by (author) L. Michelle Nielsen

Canada Close Up: Quebec

by (author) Marguerite Rodger

J'aime mon papa pirate

by (author) Laura Leuck
illustrated by Kyle M. Stone

Canada Close Up: Ontario

by (author) Adrianna Morganelli

Le Canada vu de près : Ontario

by (author) Adrianna Morganelli

Le Canada vu de près : Île-du-Prince-Édouard

by (author) L. Michelle Nielsen

Canada Close Up: Newfoundland and Labrador

by (author) Rachel Eagen

Canada Close Up: Saskatchewan

by (author) Jennifer Lackey

Le Canada vu de près : Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador

by (author) Rachel Eagen

Down the Drain! (Tell Me A Story!)

narrator Robert Munsch
illustrated by Michael Martchenko

With Love From Booky

by (author) Bernice Thurman Hunter

Down the Drain!

by (author) Robert Munsch
illustrated by Michael Martchenko

Apprentis lecteurs : La marche des fourmis

by (author) Norma Vantrease
illustrated by Steve Cox

C'est bon!

by (author) Demar Regier
illustrated by David Austin Clar

Au royaume des cinq piliers

by (author) Patrick Carman

Me Myself & I

by (author) Tim Bugbird

My Story: A Hail of Arrows

Jenkin Lloyd, Agincourt, France 1415

by (author) Michael Cox

Où est Max?

by (author) Mary Packard
illustrated by Joy Allen

Petit lapin

by (author) Kirsten Hall
illustrated by Kathy Wilburn

Apprentis lecteurs : Belles coccinelles

by (author) Dana Meachen Rau
illustrated by Christine Schneider

Frisson l'écureuil en pleine nuit

by (author) Mélanie Watt

Raconte-moi une histoire : Frisson l'écureuil

illustrated by Mélanie Watt

That Scatterbrain Booky

by (author) Bernice Thurman Hunter

Rose bonbon : Confusion totale

by (author) Eliza Willard


by (author) David F. Marx

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