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Scholastic Canada Ltd

Books from this publisher

Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire

by (author) Gordon Korman
illustrated by JoAnn Adinolfi

Gros grognon

illustrated by Jeremy Tankard

Moon and Star

A Christmas Story

illustrated by Robin Muller

Hockey Trivia for Kids 2

by (author) Eric Zweig

Hockey Rules!

illustrated by Ken Steacy
by (author) Irene Punt

Looney Bay All-Stars #7: Final Faceoff

illustrated by Sampar
by (author) Helaine Becker

Wendel and The Great One

by (author) Mike Leonetti
illustrated by Greg Banning

The Boy Who Ate the World

(and the girl who saved it)

by (author) Don Gillmor
illustrated by Pierre Pratt

Grumpy Bird

illustrated by Jeremy Tankard

Samuel de Champlain

by (author) Elizabeth MacLeod
illustrated by John Mantha

The Sweetest One of All

by (author) Jean Little
illustrated by Marisol Sarrazin

J`ai une attitude positive

by (author) David Parker
illustrated by Tammie Lyon

J`ai confiance en moi

by (author) David Parker
illustrated by Marcy Dunn-Ramsey

Je suis responsible

by (author) David Parker
illustrated by Sylvia Walker

Je suis respectueux

by (author) David Parker
illustrated by Gioia Fiammenghi

Vive les feuilles!

by (author) Don L. Curry
illustrated by Aaron Jasinski

Mon petit livre bilingue français-anglais

by (author) Chez Picthall

Têtes de citrouille

illustrated by Wendell Minor

Just One Goal!

by (author) Robert Munsch
illustrated by Michael Martchenko

Chester Le retour!

illustrated by Mélanie Watt

Encore un but!

by (author) Robert Munsch
illustrated by Michael Martchenko

Teaching with Dear Canada Vol. 4

by (author) Amy J. Von Heyking

My Story: Desert Danger

Tim Jackson, North Africa WWII

by (author) Jim Eldridge

How To Outplay A Bully

by (author) Nancy Wilcox Richards
illustrated by David Sourwine

A Treasury of Jillian Jiggs

by (author) Phoebe Gilman

Rose bonbon : La guerre des gardiennes

by (author) Mimi McCoy

Je t'aime tout le temps

by (author) Liza Baker
illustrated by David McPhail

Des bisous plein les poches

by (author) Audrey Penn
illustrated by Barbara L. Gibson

La reine du mélodrame

by (author) Lara Bergen

Look at Me! (Tell Me A Story!)

Book and CD

narrator Robert Munsch
illustrated by Michael Martchenko

Raconte-moi une histoire : La princesse dans un sac

by (author) Robert Munsch
illustrated by Michael Martchenko

Je peux lire! Niveau 1 : Je n'aime pas les départs!

illustrated by Hans Wilhelm

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