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Scholastic Canada Ltd

Books from this publisher

Les papillons

by (author) Melvin Berger & Gilda Berger

Je lis avec Mademoiselle Nancy : Belle nuit étoilée

by (author) Jane O'Connor
illustrated by Ted Enik & Robin Preiss Glasser

Laughs with Robert Munsch, in French!

by (author) Robert Munsch

Ma première petite soeur

by (author) Eve Marleau
illustrated by Michael Garton

Mon gros livre de super machines

by (author) Jean Coppendale & Ian Graham

Je peux lire! Niveau 1 : J'aime Pâques!

illustrated by Hans Wilhelm

Conspiracy 365: March

by (author) Gabrielle Lord

Le bon dragon

by (author) Kenneth Grahame
illustrated by Fred Blunt

Je lis avec Mademoiselle Nancy : C'est chic d'être vert!

by (author) Jane O'Connor
illustrated by Aleksey Ivanov, Olga Ivanov & Robin Preiss Glasser

Petit Paul

illustrated by Ashley Spires

Dix oiseaux

illustrated by Cybele Young

Nate : N° 1 - Nate le seul et unique

illustrated by Lincoln Peirce

Poursuite au parc safari

by (author) Gail Herman
illustrated by Duendes Del Sur

Rose bonbon : Avalanche de surprises

by (author) Jane B. Mason & Sarah Hines Stephens

Easter Book Collection

by (author) Barbara Reid

I Am Canada: Shot at Dawn

World War I, Allan McBride, France, 1917

by (author) John Wilson

Allez ouste, l'orignal!

by (author) Robert Munsch
illustrated by Michael Martchenko


by (author) Robert Munsch
illustrated by Michael Martchenko

Frisson l'écureuil fête son anniversaire

by (author) Mélanie Watt

Enfin, te voilà!

illustrated by Mélanie Watt

Fêtons le 100e jour d'école!

by (author) Susan Milord
illustrated by Mary Newell DePalma

Je peux lire! Niveau 1 : J'aime la Saint-Valentin!

illustrated by Hans Wilhelm

Souris cuisine pour canard

by (author) S.H.E.L.L.E.Y. HARWAYNE
illustrated by Steve Mack

Agneau et Lapin font un pique-nique

by (author) S.H.E.L.L.E.Y. HARWAYNE
illustrated by Tammie Lyon

Poule et serpent cuisinent

by (author) S.H.E.L.L.E.Y. HARWAYNE
illustrated by Mike Wesley

Bella adore le patin

by (author) Ian Whybrow
illustrated by Rosie Reeve

L' ultime traversée vers la liberté

by (author) Virginia Frances Schwartz

Gros Ours et Petite Puce

illustrated by Nick Bland

Conspiracy 365: January

by (author) Gabrielle Lord

Lapin et Girafe aiment les pommes

by (author) S.H.E.L.L.E.Y. HARWAYNE
illustrated by Tammie Lyon

Chauve-souris et Paon sont sous la pluie

by (author) S.H.E.L.L.E.Y. HARWAYNE
illustrated by Patrick Girouard

Chien et Chat jouent à la balle

by (author) S.H.E.L.L.E.Y. HARWAYNE
illustrated by Steve Mack

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