Playwrights Canada Press
Books from this publisher

Once More, With Feeling
Five Affecting Plays

Theatres of Affect

The Grandkid


That Elusive Spark

Between the Sheets

An Almost Perfect Thing

Flesh and Other Fragments of Love

Age of Minority
Three Solo Plays


The Secret Mask

Arigato, Tokyo

Maggie and Pierre & The Duchess

Willow Quartet


Two-Spirit Acts
Queer Indigenous Performances

Willow Quartet


This Is War

A Scientific Romance

The Unplugging

Skin & Liars

Nisei Blue

Fronteras Vivientes
Eight Latina/o Canadian Plays

Collected Works
Judith Thompson, Vol. 1

blood.claat, benu, and word! sound! powah!

Discovering Mavor Moore
An Exploration and Eight Works for the Stage

Latina/o Canadian Theatre and Performance

Shakespeare's Nigga

Separate Beds

Lucky Lady & Le Chien