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Oxford University Press

Books from this publisher

Funerary Speech for John Chrysostom

by (author) Timothy D. Barnes & George Bevan

Attention Is Cognitive Unison

An Essay in Philosophical Psychology

by (author) Christopher Mole

The Role of Climate Change in Global Economic Governance

by (author) Bradly J. Condon & Tapen Sinha

Beyond the Banality of Evil

Criminology and Genocide

by (author) Augustine Brannigan

Upper Canada

The Formative Years, 1784-1841

by (author) Gerald M. Craig

Canadian Families Today

New Perspectives

edited by Patrizia Albanese

Portraits, Painters, and Publics in Provincial England 1540-1640

by (author) Robert Tittler

The Biology of Peatlands

by (author) Hakan Rydin & John K. Jeglum

The Struggle for the Border (Reissue) (Kobo)

by (author) Bruce Hutchison
introduction by Vaughn Palmer

A Candle to Light the Sun (Kobo)

by (author) Patricia Blondal
introduction by Patricia Demers

Marketing Dynamics Course Guide

Canadian Edition 2013

by (author) Greg Gregoriou, Jessica Pegis, Brenda Clark, Jennie Sobel & Cynthia Gendall Basteri

The Elegant Canadians

by (author) Luella Creighton
introduction by Don Wright

American Allies in Times of War

The Great Asymmetry

by (author) Stéfanie von Hlatky

Aspects of Split Ergativity

by (author) Jessica Coon

Habits of Inequality

by (author) Lorne Tepperman & Nina Gheihman

The Making of Thomas Hoccleve's 'Series'

by (author) David Watt

Critical Thinking

by (author) Andrew Lawless

Introduction to Electric Circuits

Seneca College Edition

by (author) Herbert W. Jackson

Human Geography

Lab Manual

by (author) Bram Noble, Paul Hackett & Jill Gunn

In Search of Canadian Liberalism

by (author) Frank H. Underhill & Kenneth Dewar

The Oxford Book of Canadian Verse

edited by Wilfred Campbell
introduction by Len Early

High Bright Buggy Wheels

by (author) Luella Creighton
introduction by Cynthia Flood

Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy, Volume 44

edited by Brad Inwood


by (author) William Beckford
edited by Thomas Keymer

Philosophy of Science

A New Introduction

by (author) Gillian Barker & Philip Kitcher

Business Ethics

Canadian Edition

by (author) Damian Grace, Stephen Cohen & William R. Holmes

The Anatomy of Terror

Political Violence under Stalin

edited by James Harris

A Trick to Catch the Old One

By Thomas Middleton

edited by Paul A. Mulholland

Aging in Canada

by (author) Neena L. Chappell & Marcus J. Hollander

Echoes from the Cave

Philosophical Conversations since Plato

by (author) Lisa Gannett

Human Social Evolution

The Foundational Works of Richard D. Alexander

by (author) Kyle Summers & Bernard Crespi

Strong Constitutions

Social-Cognitive Origins of the Separation of Powers

by (author) Maxwell Cameron

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