Oxford University Press
Books from this publisher

The Struggle for the Border (Reissue) (eBook)

Branding the Nation
The Global Business of National Identity

The Oxford Book of Canadian Verse (Kobo)

The Elegant Canadians (Kobo)

Cultural Geography
Environments, Landscapes, Identities, Inequalities

Remembering Biblical Figures in the Late Persian and Early Hellenistic Periods
Social Memory and Imagination

The Point of No Return
Refugees, Rights, and Repatriation

Commemorating the Holocaust
The Dilemmas of Remembrance in France and Italy

Retirement in Canada

Health Promotion and the Policy Process

Gender History
Canadian Perspectives

Soil Ecology and Ecosystem Services

Market-Based Banking and the International Financial Crisis

Funerary Speech for John Chrysostom

Attention Is Cognitive Unison
An Essay in Philosophical Psychology

The Role of Climate Change in Global Economic Governance

Beyond the Banality of Evil
Criminology and Genocide

Upper Canada
The Formative Years, 1784-1841

Canadian Families Today
New Perspectives

Portraits, Painters, and Publics in Provincial England 1540-1640

The Biology of Peatlands

The Struggle for the Border (Reissue) (Kobo)

A Candle to Light the Sun (Kobo)

Marketing Dynamics Course Guide
Canadian Edition 2013

American Allies in Times of War
The Great Asymmetry

The Elegant Canadians

Aspects of Split Ergativity

Habits of Inequality

The Making of Thomas Hoccleve's 'Series'

Critical Thinking
Introduction to Electric Circuits
Seneca College Edition

Human Geography
Lab Manual