Oxford University Press
Books from this publisher

Minetown, Milltown, Railtown (Kobo)
Life in Canadian Communities of Single Industry

Selected Letters of Stephen Leacock (Kobo)

The Jews in Canada (Kobo)
Commissioning Ideas (Kobo)
Canadian National Policy Innovation in Comparative Perspective

The Oxford Companion to Canadian Theatre (Kobo)

Regions Apart (Kobo)
The Four Societies of Canada and The United States

Betting Their Lives (Kobo)
The Close Relations of Problem Gamblers

The Incredible Canadian (Kobo)
A Candid Portrait of Mackenzie King
Women's Caring (Kobo)

Guide to Canadian English Usage (Kobo)

The Ante-Room (Kobo)
Early Stages in a Literary Life

In Search of Canadian Liberalism (Kobo)

The Sense of Sociability (Kobo)
How People Overcome the Forces Pulling Them Apart

Proteins at Interfaces III State of the Art 2012

Network Analysis in Archaeology
New Approaches to Regional Interaction

101 Social Work Clinical Techniques

Medical Saints
Cosmas and Damian in a Postmodern World

Mass Communication in Canada 7e / Making Sense in the Social Sciences Pack
Networks, Culture, Technology, Audiences, Seventh Edition

Starting Points / Making Sense in the Social Sciences Pack
A Sociological Journey

Rome's Italian Wars
Books 6-10

The Oxford Handbook of Child Psychological Assessment

A Midsummer Night's Dream ONLINE Teacher Resource

The Oxford Handbook of Modern Diplomacy

Marketing Dynamics
Canadian Edition 2013

Quantum Physics and Linguistics
A Compositional, Diagrammatic Discourse

The Rise and Fall of Economic Justice and Other Essays


Thinking About Sociology / Making Sense in the Social Sciences Pack
A Critical Introduction

Environmental Change and Challenge 4e / Making Sense in Geography Pack
A Canadian Perspective, Fourth Edition

The Oxford Handbook of Close Relationships

Social Research Methods 3e / SPSS Virtual Teaching Assistant Pack