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Oxford University Press

Books from this publisher

Retirement in Canada (eBook)

by (author) Thomas R. Klassen

The Sense of Sociability (eBook)

How People Overcome the Forces Pulling Them Apart

by (author) Lorne Tepperman

High Bright Buggy Wheels (eBook)

by (author) Luella Creighton
introduction by Cynthia Flood

Habits of Inequality (eBook)

by (author) Lorne Tepperman & Nina Gheihman

The Ante-Room (eBook)

Early Stages in a Literary Life

by (author) Lovat Dickson
introduction by Neville Thompson

In Search of Canadian Liberalism (eBook)

by (author) Frank H. Underhill & Kenneth Dewar

Corporate Power in a Globalizing World (eBook)

by (author) William Carroll

Aging in Canada (eBook)

by (author) Neena L. Chappell & Marcus J. Hollander

The Elegant Canadians (eBook)

by (author) Luella Creighton
introduction by Don Wright

The Oxford Book of Canadian Verse (eBook)

edited by Wilfred Campbell
introduction by Len Early

A Candle to Light the Sun (eBook)

by (author) Patricia Blondal
introduction by Patricia Demers

The Incredible Canadian (eBook)

A Candid Portrait of Mackenzie King

by (author) Bruce Hutchison
introduction by Vaughn Palmer

Corporate Power in a Globalizing World (Kobo)

by (author) William Carroll

Taking Liberties (eBook)

A History of Human Rights in Canada

by (author) David Goutor & Stephen Heathorn

Upper Canada (eBook)

The Formative Years, 1784-1841

by (author) Gerald M. Craig

Man's Emerging Mind (eBook)


by (author) N.J. Berrill

A History of Canadian Culture (eBook)

by (author) Jonathan F. Vance

Maple Leaf Empire (eBook)

Canada, Britain, and Two World Wars

by (author) Jonathan F. Vance

The Sociology of Religion

A Canadian Perspective

by (author) Lorne L. Dawson & Joel Thiessen

The Struggle for the Border (Reissue) (eBook)

by (author) Bruce Hutchison
introduction by Vaughn Palmer

Branding the Nation

The Global Business of National Identity

by (author) Melissa Aronczyk

The Oxford Book of Canadian Verse (Kobo)

edited by Wilfred Campbell
introduction by Len Early

The Elegant Canadians (Kobo)

by (author) Luella Creighton
introduction by Don Wright

Cultural Geography

Environments, Landscapes, Identities, Inequalities

by (author) William Norton & Margaret Walton-Roberts

Remembering Biblical Figures in the Late Persian and Early Hellenistic Periods

Social Memory and Imagination

edited by Diana V. Edelman & Ehud Ben Zvi

The Point of No Return

Refugees, Rights, and Repatriation

by (author) Katy Long

Commemorating the Holocaust

The Dilemmas of Remembrance in France and Italy

by (author) Rebecca Clifford

Retirement in Canada

by (author) Thomas R. Klassen

Health Promotion and the Policy Process

edited by Carole Clavier & Evelyne de Leeuw

Gender History

Canadian Perspectives

edited by Willeen Keough & Lara Campbell

Soil Ecology and Ecosystem Services

edited by Diana H. Wall, Richard D. Bardgett, Valerie Behan-Pelletier, Jeffrey E. Herrick, T. Hefin Jones, Johan Six, Donald R. Strong & Wim H. van der Putten
by (author) Karl Ritz

Market-Based Banking and the International Financial Crisis

edited by Iain Hardie & David Howarth

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