Oxford University Press
Books from this publisher

Teaching Instrumental Music in Canadian Schools

Lifelong learning, the arts and community cultural engagement in the contemporary university
International perspectives

Earth Weeps, Saturn Laughs
An Omani Novel

The Critical Imagination

The Oxford Handbook of Health Economics

The Ante-Room
Early Stages in a Literary Life

The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy in Early Modern Europe

A Heinrich Schütz Reader
Letters and Documents in Translation

Six Words You Never Knew Had Something to Do with Pigs (Kobo)
and Other Fascinating Facts about the Language from Canada's Word Lady
Social Work and HIV (Kobo)
The Canadian Experience
I Brought the Ages Home (Kobo)
Canadian Film (Kobo)
Toeing the Lines (Kobo)
Women and Party Politics in English Canada
True Patriot Love (Kobo)
The Politics of Canadian Nationalism
Sir John A. (Kobo)
Anecdotal Life of John A. MacDonald

Canadian Women and the Struggle for Equality (Kobo)
The Politics of Abortion (Kobo)

Habits of Inequality (Kobo)

City of the End of Things (Kobo)
Lectures on Civilization and Empire
A Different Kind of State? (Kobo)
Popular Power and Democratic Administration
Canadian Stories of the Sea (Kobo)

Retirement in Canada (Kobo)
Working Man in the Nineteenth Century (Kobo)

Man's Emerging Mind (Kobo)

Federalism (Kobo)
An Introduction

A Matter of Style (Kobo)
Writing and Technique

Poetry by Canadian Women (Kobo)
Entering the Eighties (Kobo)
Canada in Crisis

Ethnicity and Human Rights in Canada (Kobo)

Only in Canada You Say (Kobo)
A Treasury of Canadian Language

Wasting Away (Kobo)
The Undermining of Canadian Health Care
Feminist Organizing for Change (Kobo)
The Contemporary Women's Movement in Canada