Les Presses de l'Université d'Ottawa/University of Ottawa Press
Books from this publisher
L’aventure de la recherche qualitative
Du questionnement à la rédaction scientifique
Canada and the Challenges of International Development and Globalization
Building Bridges
Case Studies in Collaborative Governance in Canada
Journal of Prisoners on Prisons, V27 #1
General Issue
Touch in the Helping Professions
Research, Practice and Ethics
Drugs and Crime
A Complex Relationship. Third revised and expanded edition
Ottawa, lieu de vie français
Accessibilité et offre active
Santé et services sociaux en contexte linguistique minoritaire
Journal of Prisoners on Prisons, V26 #1&2
Dialogue on Canada’s Federal Penitentiary System and the Need for Change
Erving Goffman et le travail social
Language is the Key
The Canadian Language Benchmarks Model
The Blue Shirts
Adrien Arcand and Fascist Anti-Semitism in Canada
Conversations with Trotsky
Earle Birney and the Radical 1930s
Tu sais, mon vieux Jean-Pierre
Essays on the Archaeology and History of New France and Canadian Culture in Honour of Jean-Pierre Chrestien
Shakespeare and Canada
Remembrance of Ourselves
Alice Munro’s Miraculous Art
Critical Essays
Une tradition et un droit
Le Sénat et la représentation de la francophonie canadienne
Vers une école inclusive
Regards croisés sur les défis actuels
Journal of Prisoners on Prisons, V25 # 2
Driving the Fake Out of Public Administration
Detoxing HR in the Canadian Federal Public Sector
Un historien dans la cité
Gaétan Gervais et l’Ontario français
Le poisson orange
Malcolm Lowry's Poetics of Space
Journal of Prisoners on Prisons, V25 # 1
eAccess to Justice
Intelligent Governance
A Prototype for Social Coordination
Meet Me on the Barricades
The Tainted-Blood Tragedy in Canada
A Cascade of Governance Failures
Hockey and Philosophy
Francophonies d'Amérique 37
Francophonie canadienne et pouvoir
The 1940 Under the Volcano
A Critical Edition