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Political Science General

Driving the Fake Out of Public Administration

Detoxing HR in the Canadian Federal Public Sector

by (author) Ruth Hubbard & Gilles Paquet

Les Presses de l'Université d'Ottawa/University of Ottawa Press
Initial publish date
Dec 2016
General, Human Resources & Personnel Management, General
  • Paperback / softback

    Publish Date
    Dec 2016
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  • Paperback / softback

    Publish Date
    Dec 2016
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  • eBook

    Publish Date
    Dec 2016
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Much of the waste in public administration is ascribable to the displacement of the primary concern for performance and coordination by a primary concern for redistribution. In each sphere of activities, it has led to unreasonable rules inspired by egalitarianism that have triggered permanent allocational malefits.
The failure to confront the progressivist ethos and culture has rendered any action on the managerial front ineffective. First, the authors underscore the seemingly unanimous diagnosis of waste and dysfunctions in Canada’s federal public service and show that efforts to correct the situation have failed. This failure is ascribable to a fundamental incapacity to deal concurrently with the ill-advised managerial decisions of governments and the perverse progressivist philosophy inspiring them. Second, an MRI of the human resource (HR) regimes has been sketched as a guide to the detoxing and modernization of the HR regimes.
It was used to spell out some guidelines for the modification of management structures and competencies, and to probe the cultural underground of moral contracts that would need to underpin the new arrangements.

About the authors

Ruth Hubbard is a senior fellow at the Graduate School of Public and International Affairs and the Centre on Governance at the University of Ottawa, and a senior partner of INVENIRE. She is the author of Profession: Public servant (INVENIRE Press, 2009) and co-author of Gomery's Blinders and Canadian Federalism (University of Ottawa Press, 2007).

Ruth Hubbard's profile page

Gilles Paquet (1936–2019), O.C., MRSC, was Professor Emeritus at the Telfer School of Management and a Senior Research Fellow at the Centre on Governance of the University of Ottawa. He was a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada and of the Royal Society of Arts of London, and served as President of the Royal Society of Canada (2003–2005). He studied at Laval, Queen's (Canada) and at the University of California (Los Angeles) where he was Postdoctoral Fellow in Economics. He taught at Carleton University for almost 20 years before joining the University of Ottawa in 1981. He received honorary doctorates from Queen's, Laval, and Thompson Rivers University, received the Public Service Citation Award of APEX, and was made Honorary Member of l'Association des économistes québécois. He was made Member of the Order of Canada in 1992.

Gilles Paquet's profile page

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