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Les Presses de l'Université d'Ottawa/University of Ottawa Press

Books from this publisher

Déploiements canadiens-français et métis en Amérique du Nord (18e-20e siècle)

edited by Yves Frenette, Marie-Ève Harton & Marc St-Hilaire
contributions by Joanne Burgess, Danielle Gauvreau, Sarah Hurlburt, Étienne Rivard, Evan Roberts, Léon Robichaud, Gabrielle Rouleau, Nicole St-Onge, Marc Tremblay & John Willis
series edited by Pierre Desrosiers

Pointe Maligne, retrouvée par les textes

Présence française dans le Haut Saint-Laurent (tome II)

by (author) Nicole V. Champeau

Future Horizons

Canadian Digital Humanities

series edited by Dean Irvine
contributions by Kiera Obbard, Sandra Djwa, Roopika Risam, Andrea Zeffiro, Deanna Fong, ryan fitzpatrick, Gregory Betts, Eric Schmaltz, Dani Spinosa, Klara du Plessis, David Gaertner, Mark V. Campbell, Jon Saklofske, Julia Polyck-O’Neill, Kim Martin, Rashmeet Kaur, Pascale Dangoisse, Constance Crompton, Michelle Schwartz, Katherine McLeod, Graham H. Jensen, Allan Cho, Sarah Zhang, Kendra Cowley, Susan Brown & Asen Ivanov
edited by Sarah Roger & Paul Barrett

Lire la communication-monde au XXIe siècle

by (author) Bertrand Cabedoche
contributions by Jean-Chrétien Ekambo & Peter Dahlgren

Réinventer la démocratie

De la participation à l’intelligence collective

by (author) Jonathan Durand Folco
series edited by Pierre Beaudet

Young People in Out-of-Home Care

Findings from the Ontario Looking After Children Project

contributions by Elisa Romano, Lauren Stenason & Erik Michael
by (author) Robert J. Flynn, Meagan Miller, Tessa Bell, Barbara Greenberg & Cynthia Vincent

Academic Writing for Military Personnel, revised edition

Revised Edition

by (author) Adam Chapnick & Craig Stone

What I Wish I Had Told My Children

by (author) Michel Bastarache & Antoine Trépanier
translated by Julie da Silva
contributions by Antonine Maillet

Journal of Prisoners on Prisons, V32 #1

Bob Rae - Learning from the Past, Imagining the Future - Apprendre du passé, façonner l’avenir

Reflections from a Political Life - Réflexions sur une vie politique

by (author) Bob Rae
introduction by Steve Bellamy & Dennis King

The History and Archaeology of the Iroquois du Nord

edited by Ronald F. Williamson & Robert von Bitter
series edited by Pierre Desrosiers
contributions by Martin S. Cooper, William E. Engelbrecht, Neal Ferris, William A. Fox, Nick Grimoff, David Harris, April Hawkins, Richard W. Hill, Sr., Kurt A. Jordan, Victor Konrad, Chrisopher Menary, Dana Poulton, David Robertson & Gary A. Warrick
other Canadian Museum of History

Sieve Reading Beyond the Minor

Acadian France Daigle’s Pour sûr

by (author) Matthew Cormier
series edited by Dean Irvine

The Making of Nicolas Montour

translated by Christina van Oordt
by (author) Léo-Paul Desrosiers

Herbert Marcuse's Utopia

by (author) Alain Martineau
translated by Jane Brierley

Borders and Migration

The Canadian Experience in Comparative Perspective

contributions by Asad G. Kiyani, Birte Wassenberg, Can E. Mutlu, Claude Beaupré, Donald Galloway, Edward Boyle, Franziska Fischer, Naomi Chi, Sabine Lehr, Scott D. Watson, Solomon Wong, Victoria Simmons & Emmanuel Brunet-Jailly
series edited by Geneviève Tellier
edited by Michael J. Carpenter, Melissa Kelly & Oliver Schmidtke

Les Juifs de la Révolution tranquille

Regards d’une minorité religieuse sur le Québec de 1945 à 1976

by (author) Simon-Pierre Lacasse
series edited by Pierre Anctil

Religion and Schooling in Canada

The Long Road to Separation of Church and State

by (author) Robert K. Crocker

Journal of Prisoners on Prisons, V31 #1

edited by Justin Piché

La ville inclusive

Dans les pas de Caroline Andrew

edited by Anne Gilbert & Guy Chiasson
series edited by Geneviève Tellier

La famille Fermanian

L’histoire du cinéma Pine de Sainte-Adèle

by (author) Stéphane Desjardins

Seniors’ Learning in the Digital Age

by (author) Dianne Conrad

Journal of Prisoners on Prisons, V30 #2

edited by Justin Piché


Justice sociale et écologique dans un monde globalisé

by (author) Ronald Cameron, Raphaël Canet & Nathalie Guay
series edited by Pierre Beaudet

Éloge de la procrastination et autres facéties

by (author) Robert Major

Autour de Chantal Mouffe

Le politique en conflit

edited by Linda Cardinal & Pascale Devette
contributions by Stéphane Vibert, Xavier Bériault, Claude Denis, Dan Furukawa Marques, Robert Sparling, Guillaume Garreta, Marie-Christine Doran & Chantal Mouffe

Tableau d'avancement IV

Un Canada français à ré-inventer

by (author) Gilles Paquet

50 ans de bilinguisme officiel

Défis, analyses et témoignages

edited by Richard Clément & Pierre Foucher
contributions by Graham Fraser, Pierre Curzi, Stéphane Dion, François Boileau, Roger Turenne, Raymond-M Hébert, Sherry Simon, Michelle Landry, Ingride Roy, Matthieu LeBlanc, Éric Forgues, Maurice Beaudin, Mark Power, Perri Ravon, Albert Nolette & Andy Anstett

Gouvernance corporative

Une entrée en matières

by (author) Gilles Paquet

Tableau d'avancement II

Essais exploratoires sur la gouvernance d'un certain Canada français

by (author) Gilles Paquet

Pasquinade en F

Essais à rebrousse-poil

by (author) Gilles Paquet

Tableau d'avancement III

Pour une diaspora canadienne-française antifragile

by (author) Gilles Paquet

Gouvernance communautaire

Innovations dans le Canada français hors Québec

edited by Caroline Andrew, Ruth Hubbard & Gilles Paquet
contributions by Éric Champagne, Marie Hélène Eddie, Mariette Mulaire, Gina S. Comeau, Guy Chiasson, Simon Letendre, Mathieu Voyer, Thierry Arseneau, Jean Léger, Nathalie Plante, Christine Dallaire, Magalie-France Houle, Éric Forgues & d'Ornellia-N J. Moyabi Mampoumbou

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