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Social Science Social Work

Erving Goffman et le travail social

edited by Stéphanie Garneau & Dahlia Namian

Les Presses de l'Université d'Ottawa/University of Ottawa Press
Initial publish date
Sep 2017
Social Work, General
  • Paperback / softback

    Publish Date
    Sep 2017
    List Price
  • eBook

    Publish Date
    Sep 2017
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As disciplines become increasingly fragmented and compartmentalized, it is imperative to call to mind the ambiguous yet intertwined connections between social work and the sociological tradition in which Erving Goffman was trained. The authors of this work—social workers, sociologists, anthropologists, political scientists and nurses—open the “ Goffman toolbox ” to offer fresh perspectives on contemporary social work issues.
The work focuses on a wide range of topics, including mental health, addiction, care for the elderly or persons with a disability and homelessness. Whether through an epistemological, theoretical, methodological or practical lens, the Goffmanian point of view is worthy of consideration. It suggests a way of observing the effects of institutions and social work categories on individuals.
It goes beyond social workers’ normative vision to identify the possibilities and restrictions they face. Finally, it accesses tacit, affective and sometimes unsuspected dimensions of the social question and of helping relationships, rendering visible what is not and intolerable, what is indeed tolerated. The seventeen contributors strive to bridge the gap that developed between the two disciplines as they struggled for institutional recognition.
Published in French.

About the authors

Professeure agrégée à l’École de service social de l’Université d’Ottawa. Ses champs de recherche sont les migrations, les relations interethniques, l’action publique en matière de migrations et d’éducation, et les méthodologies de recherche.

Stéphanie Garneau's profile page

Professeure adjointe à l’École de service social de l’Université d’Ottawa. Ses recherches s’inscrivent dans les champs de la sociologie de l’itinérance, de la marginalité urbaine et de la santé mentale.

Dahlia Namian's profile page

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