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Les Presses de l'Université d'Ottawa/University of Ottawa Press

Books from this publisher

1975 and 1978 Rescue Excavations at the Draper Site

Introduction and Settlement Patterns

by (author) William David Finlayson

L'Art a ses raisons - The Reasons of Art

edited by Peter J. McCormick

Herbert Marcuse's Utopia

by (author) Alain Martineau
translated by Jane Brierley

Portugal In Development

Emigration, Industrialization, the European Community

edited by Victor Da Rosa, Alex Macleod & Thomas C. Bruneau

The Sir Charles G.D. Roberts Symposium

edited by Glenn Clever

The Complete Poems of Emile Nelligan

by (author) Émile Nelligan
translated by Fred Cogswell

Man and his Past

The Nature and Role of Historiography

translated by Margaret Heap
by (author) Serge Gagnon

Racial Myth in English History

Trojans, Teutons, and Anglo-Saxons

by (author) Hugh A. MacDougall

Analytical Philosophy of Religion in Canada

edited by Mostafa Faghfoury

Croix de chemin

Au-delà du signe

by (author) Paul Carpentier

Modern France

Mind, Politics, Society

by (author) Barnett Singer

A Descriptive Analysis of Second Language Teaching Styles in the Oral Apporach

by (author) Grace Gayle

Chipewyan marriage

by (author) Henry S. Sharp

French Canadian Prose Masters

The Nineteenth Century

edited by Yves Brunelle

Selected Stories of Ernest Thompson Seton

by (author) Ernest Thompson Seton
edited by Patricia Morley

Selected Stories of Robert Barr

by (author) Robert Barr
edited by John Parr

The E.J. Pratt Symposium

edited by Glenn Clever

Marie Calumet

by (author) Rodolphe Girard
translated by Irene Currie

Selected Stories of Douglas O. Spettigue

by (author) Douglas O. Spettigue
edited by Leo Simpson

The Lady and the Travelling Salesman

Stories by Leo Simpson

by (author) Leo Simpson
edited by Henry Imbleau

Language and Religion

A history of English-French Conflict in Ontario

by (author) Robert Choquette

Selected Stories of Isabella Valancy Crawford

by (author) Isabella Valancy Crawford
edited by Penny Petrone

The Grandfathers

translated by Marc Plourde
by (author) Victor-Lévy Beaulieu


translated by Raymond Y. Chamberlain
by (author) Louis Dantin

Selected Stories of E. W. Thomson

by (author) Edward William Thomson
edited by Lorraine McMullen

It's Greek to the Computer

by (author) Andrew Q. Morton & Alban Dewes Winspear


by (author) Yves Theriault
translated by Gwendolyn Moore

The Quintessence of Sartrism; La quintessence de Sartre

translated by C. Berloty
by (author) Maurice Cranston

Man Deer Hunt

Cognitive Patterns Underlying Social Behavior

by (author) Edwina Taborsky

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