Sarah Ellis
Books by Sarah Ellis

Salmon Forest

As Glenn as Can Be

Dodger Boy

Ben and the Scaredy-Dog

Waiting for Sophie

The Shore of Women

Ben Says Goodbye

Dear Canada: A Time for Giving: Ten Tales of Christmas

A+ for Big Ben

The Sky Is Falling
Puffin Classics Edition

Pick-Up Sticks

Outside In

Cher Journal : Nuit fatale
Dorothy Wilton, à bord du Titanic, Halifax, Nouvelle-Écosse, 1912

Dear Canada Christmas Story No. 12: Lo, the Perfect Plan

Dear Canada Christmas Story No. 6: Reading Henry

Cher Journal : Récit de Noël : N° 6 - Le secret de Henri

Cher Journal : Récit de Noël : N° 12 - Le plan parfait

Cher Journal : À la sueur de mon front
Flore Rutherford, 11 ans, enfant-ouvrière, Almonte, Ontario, 1887

Cher Journal : Une terre immense à conquérir
Le journal d'Evelyn Weatherhall, fille d'immigrants anglais, Milorie, Saskatchewan, 1926

Cher Journal : Noëls d'antan
Dix récits choisis

Dear Canada: A Season for Miracles
Twelve Tales of Christmas

Dear Canada: Days of Toil and Tears
The Child Labour Diary of Flora Rutherford, Almonte, Ontario, 1887

Dear Canada: A Christmas to Remember
Tales of Comfort and Joy

Dear Canada: That Fatal Night
The Titanic Diary of Dorothy Wilton, Halifax, Nova Scotia, 1912

Dear Canada: A Prairie as Wide as the Sea
The Immigrant Diary of Ivy Weatherall, Milorie, Saskatchewan, 1926

Book of Small, The

The Baby Project

The Queen's Feet

Cher Journal : Le temps des réjouissances
Dix récits de Noël

Odd Man Out /hc

Odd Man Out

Next Stop

Ben Over Night

The Several Lives of Orphan Jack

The Book of Small

Dear Canada Collector's Set #1
A Prairie as Wide as the Sea/Orphan at My Door

From Reader to Writer
Teaching Writing Through Classic Children's Books
Young Writers Companion

Out of the Blue