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Sarah Ellis

Sarah Ellis is one of Canada's most-loved children's writers. A former librarian, she is a highly sought-after children's book reviewer, literary jury member and speaker who lectures internationally on Canadian children's books. She is the winner of the Governor General's Award (Pick-Up Sticks), the Mr. Christie's Award (Out of the Blue and The Several Lives of Orphan Jack) and the Sheila A. Egoff Award (The Baby Project, Back of Beyond and Odd Man Out). Further accolades for Odd Man Out include the prestigious TD Canadian Children's Literature Award, the Dorothy Canfield Fisher Award Master List, ALA Notable Book for Older Readers, Maine State Library Cream of the Crop List and OLA Best Bets - Top 10 Fiction for Children. Sarah Ellis has also won the Vicky Metcalf Award for a Body of Work. Sarah is on the faculty of Vermont College of Fine Arts. She lives in Vancouver, British Columbia.

Books by Sarah Ellis

Salmon Forest

by (author) David Suzuki & Sarah Ellis
illustrated by Sheena Lott

As Glenn as Can Be

by (author) Sarah Ellis
illustrated by Nancy Vo

Dodger Boy

by (author) Sarah Ellis

Ben and the Scaredy-Dog

by (author) Sarah Ellis
illustrated by Kim La Fave

Waiting for Sophie

by (author) Sarah Ellis
illustrated by Carmen Mok

The Shore of Women

by (author) Pamela Sargent
read by Stephen Largay & Sarah Ellis

Ben Says Goodbye

by (author) Sarah Ellis
illustrated by Kim La Fave

Dear Canada: A Time for Giving: Ten Tales of Christmas

by (author) Jean Little, Sarah Ellis, Ruby Slipperjack, Carol Matas, Karleen Bradford, Susan M. Aihoshi, Barbara Haworth-Attard, Janet McNaughton & Norah McClintock

A+ for Big Ben

by (author) Sarah Ellis
illustrated by Kim La Fave

The Sky Is Falling

Puffin Classics Edition

by (author) Kit Pearson
foreword by Sarah Ellis

Pick-Up Sticks

by (author) Sarah Ellis

Outside In

by (author) Sarah Ellis

Cher Journal : Nuit fatale

Dorothy Wilton, à bord du Titanic, Halifax, Nouvelle-Écosse, 1912

by (author) Sarah Ellis

Dear Canada Christmas Story No. 12: Lo, the Perfect Plan

by (author) Sarah Ellis

Dear Canada Christmas Story No. 6: Reading Henry

by (author) Sarah Ellis

Cher Journal : Récit de Noël : N° 6 - Le secret de Henri

by (author) Sarah Ellis

Cher Journal : Récit de Noël : N° 12 - Le plan parfait

by (author) Sarah Ellis

Cher Journal : À la sueur de mon front

Flore Rutherford, 11 ans, enfant-ouvrière, Almonte, Ontario, 1887

by (author) Sarah Ellis

Cher Journal : Une terre immense à conquérir

Le journal d'Evelyn Weatherhall, fille d'immigrants anglais, Milorie, Saskatchewan, 1926

by (author) Sarah Ellis

Cher Journal : Noëls d'antan

Dix récits choisis

by (author) Vincent Massey Jr HS, Karleen Bradford, Carol Matas, Jean Little, Sarah Ellis, Perry Nodelman, Maxine Trottier & Marsha Forchuk Skrypuch
illustrated by Colin Mayne

Dear Canada: A Season for Miracles

Twelve Tales of Christmas

by (author) Jean Little, Kit Pearson, Janet Lunn, Sarah Ellis, Gillian Chan, Carol Matas, Maxine Trottier, Julie Lawson & Sharon Stewart

Dear Canada: Days of Toil and Tears

The Child Labour Diary of Flora Rutherford, Almonte, Ontario, 1887

by (author) Sarah Ellis

Dear Canada: A Christmas to Remember

Tales of Comfort and Joy

by (author) Perry Nodelman, Marsha Forchuk Skrypuch, Jean Little, Sarah Ellis, Carol Matas, Maxine Trottier, Julie Lawson & Karleen Bradford

Dear Canada: That Fatal Night

The Titanic Diary of Dorothy Wilton, Halifax, Nova Scotia, 1912

by (author) Sarah Ellis

Dear Canada: A Prairie as Wide as the Sea

The Immigrant Diary of Ivy Weatherall, Milorie, Saskatchewan, 1926

by (author) Sarah Ellis

Book of Small, The

by (author) Emily Carr
foreword by Sarah Ellis

The Baby Project

by (author) Sarah Ellis

The Queen's Feet

by (author) Sarah Ellis
illustrated by Dušan Petričić

Cher Journal : Le temps des réjouissances

Dix récits de Noël

by (author) Barbara Haworth-Attard, Carol Matas, Gillian Chan, Jan Andrews, Janet Lunn, Jean Little, Karleen Bradford, Kit Pearson, Maxine Trottier, Sarah Ellis & Sharon Stewart

Odd Man Out /hc

by (author) Sarah Ellis

Odd Man Out

by (author) Sarah Ellis

Next Stop

by (author) Sarah Ellis
illustrated by Ruth Ohi

Ben Over Night

by (author) Sarah Ellis
illustrated by Kim LaFave

The Several Lives of Orphan Jack

by (author) Sarah Ellis
illustrated by Bruno St-Aubin

The Book of Small

by (author) Emily Carr
introduction by Sarah Ellis

Dear Canada Collector's Set #1

A Prairie as Wide as the Sea/Orphan at My Door

by (author) Jean Little & Sarah Ellis

From Reader to Writer

Teaching Writing Through Classic Children's Books

by (author) Sarah Ellis

Young Writers Companion

by (author) Sarah Ellis

Out of the Blue

by (author) Sarah Ellis

Next Door Neighbours

by (author) Sarah Ellis