Browse Books in Political Science

The Little Book of Reform
The Gospel According to Preston Manning and the Reform Party

Women, Feminism and Development

Canada Among Nations, 1994
A Part of the Peace

Canadian International Development Assistance Policies
An Appraisal

Risk and Responsibility

States and the Reemergence of Global Finance
From Bretton Woods to the 1990s
The Politics of the Post
Canada's Postal System of Publice Service to Privatizaiton
A New Social Vision for Canada?
Perspectives on the Federal Discussion Paper on Social Security Reform

Constitutional Predicament
Canada after the Referendum of 1992
Canadian Politics, Second Edition
Sweden: Social Democracy in Practice
The Drama of Democracy
Contention and Dispute in Community Planning

Sport and Canadian Diplomacy
Democracy and the State
An Introduction to Politics
Canada: The State of the Federation 1994
City Form and Everyday Life
Toronto's Gentrification and Critical Social Practice

Protecting Rights and Freedoms
Essays on the Charter's Place in Canada's Political, Legal, and Intellectual life

The Future of Fiscal Federalism
Leaders and Leadership in Canada

Centring the Periphery
Chaos, Order, and the Ethnohistory of Dominica

Reimagining Canada
Language, Culture, Community, and the Canadian Constitution

Federalism and International Relations
The Role of Subnational Units