Browse Books in Political Science

Dangling Lines
The Fisheries Crisis and the Future of Coastal Communities: The Norwegian Experience

The Paradox of Continental Production
National Investment Policies in North America

Pornography and the Sex Crisis

Child Is Not A Toy, A
Voices of Children in Poverty

Just Causes
Notes of an Unrepentant Socialist

Grace Woodsworth MacInnis: 1905-1991

Touch Wood
BC Forests at the Crossroads
A Reader in International Relations and Political Theory
Toward Sustainable Federalism
Reforming Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements
Manipulation and Consent
How Voters and Leaders Manage Complexity
Home and Native Land
Aboriginal Rights and the Canadian Constitution

Canada Under Free Trade

The Politics of Kim Campbell
From School Trustee to Prime Minister

Giants of Garbage
The Rise of the Global Waste Industry and the Politics of Pollution

Asia-Pacific Diplomacy
Nongovernmental Organizations and International Relations

Relocating Middle Powers
Australia and Canada in a Changing World Order

K9 Officer’s Manual

Twenty-First Century Capitalism
Equity and Community: The Charter, Interest Advocacy and Representation

The Angel of Solitude

Pandora's Box
Corporate Power, Free Trade and Canadian Education
Provincial Justice
Upper Canadian Legal Portraits