Browse Books in Political Science

Kant's Theory of Justice

Women Challenging Unions
Feminism, Democracy, and Militancy

Governments at Work
Canadian Parliamentary Federalism and Its Public Policy Effects

Policing Canada's Century
A History of Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police

The Charlottetown Accord, the Referendum, and the Future of Canada

Arthur Irwin
A Biography

The Shape of the City
Toronto Struggles with Modern Planning

Family, Church, and Market
A Mennonite Community in the Old and the New Worlds, 1850-1930

Tangled Webs of History
Indians and the Law in Canada's Pacific Coast Fisheries

Arthur Irwin
A Biography

Policing Canada's Century
A History of Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police

Ethnicity and Aboriginality
Case Studies in Ethnonationalism

The Atlantic Provinces in Confederation

Building Cities That Work

The Charlottetown Accord, the Referendum, and the Future of Canada

Women Challenging Unions
Feminism, Democracy, and Militancy

Benjamin Disraeli Letters
1848-1851, Volume V


Democracy on Trial

Politics and Economics of Eric Kierans
A Man for All Canadas
Controlling Common Property
Regulating Canada's East Coast Fishery
In The Rapids

Ex Uno Plures
Federal-Provincial Relations in Canada, 1867-1896

Bridge of Courage
Life Stories of the Guatemalan Companeros and Companeras