Browse Books in Political Science

Methods of Environmental Impact Assessment

The Canadian Auto Workers
The Birth and Transformation of a Union

The Bloc

Ottawa and the Outer Provinces
The Challenge of Regional Integration in Canada

Crossing the Line
Unionized Employee Ownership and Investment Funds
In Defence of History
Teaching the Past and the Meaning of Democratic Citizenship

Cloak of Green
The Links between Key Environmental Groups, Government and Big Business

Labour and Working Class History in Atlantic Canada
A Reader

Too Good to Be True
Alcan's Kemano Completion Project

A New Education Politics
Bob Rae's Legacy and the Response of the Ontario Secondary School Teachers' Federation

The Greening of Canada
Federal Institutions and Decisions

Theorizing Citizenship

The Barbarism of Reason
Max Weber and the Twilight of Enlightenment
Taxation and the Distribution of Income

The Missing Child in Liberal Theory
Towards a Covenant Theory of Family, Community, Welfare and the Civic State

Invisible Leviathan
The Marxist Critique of Market Despotism beyond Postmodernism

When in Doubt, Do Both
The Times of My Life

The Limits of Affluence
Welfare in Ontario, 1920-1970

The Franco-Calgarians
French Language, Leisure, and Linguistic Life-style in an Anglophone City
Which Reminds Me...
A Memoir

The Greening of Canada
Federal Institutions and Decisions

Issues in the Taxation of Individuals

Canadians at Last
The Integration of Newfoundland as a Province

Continuities and Discontinuities
The Political Economy of Social Welfare and Labour Market Policy in Canada