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Political Science Economic Policy

Canadian International Development Assistance Policies

An Appraisal

by (author) Cranford Pratt

McGill-Queen's University Press
Initial publish date
Jun 1994
Economic Policy, Trade & Tariffs
  • eBook

    Publish Date
    Jun 1994
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Topics covered include Canadian food aid and the varied factors that have determined its use, the complex relationship between CIDA and Canadian non-governmental organizations, and CIDA assistance to the major multilateral institutions. There is also detailed discussion of CIDA's choice of recipient countries; its use of aid for trade promotion, human rights and development assistance; issues relating to the administration of the aid program; its recent support for the International Monetary Fund and World Bank leverage on the economic policies of the recipient countries; and two case studies, one of public policy dialogue on aid policies in Central America and the second of Canadian aid for development in Asia. In the final chapters the work of CIDA is assessed from a comparative international perspective and the editor, Cranford Pratt, reviews the main determinants of Canadian aid policy and explains why there has been such a significant erosion in CIDA's declared objective of helping the world's poor. This timely and important book contains contributions by Tim Brodhead, Marcia Burdette, Mark Charlton, Tim Draimin, David Gillies, Terence Keenleyside, David Morrison, Katharine Pearson, Cranford Pratt, David Protheroe, Phillip Rawkins, Martin Rudner, and Jean Philippe Thérien.

About the author

CRANFORD PRATT is a professor in the Department of Political Economy at the University of Toronto and author of The Critical Phase in Tanzania, 1945-68: Nyerere and the Emergenc of a Socialist Strategy.

Cranford Pratt's profile page

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