Browse Books in Political Science

Western Dominance and Political Islam
Challenge and Response

Risk, Science, and Politics
Regulating Toxic Substances in Canada and the United States

The War Lover
A Study of Plato's Republic

Labour's Dilemma
The Gender Politics of Auto Workers in Canada, 1937-79
John Locke and America
The Defence of English Colonialism

Invisible Leviathan
The Marxist Critique of Market Despotism beyond Postmodernism

Capitalism Comes to the Backcountry
The Goodyear Invasion of Napanee

The Missing Child in Liberal Theory
Towards a Covenant Theory of Family, Community, Welfare and the Civic State
Healing Medicare
Managing Health System Change the Canadian Way

Religious Routes to Gladstonian Liberalism
The Church Rate Conflict in England and Wales 1852-1868

Canada - An American Nation?
Essays on Continentalism, Identity, and the Canadian Frame of Mind

Malaysian Development

Canadian Foreign Policy, 1977-1992
Selected Speeches and Documents
Canadian Foreign Policy, 1977-1992
Selected Speeches and Documents

The Franco-Calgarians
French Language, Leisure, and Linguistic Life-style in an Anglophone City

Conor, Volume II
A Biography of Conor Cruise O'Brien: Volume II, Anthology

Conor, Volume I
A Biography of Conor Cruise O'Brien: Volume I, Narrative
Aboriginal Self-Government in Canada
Current Trends and Issues

Conventional Arms Control
Perspectives on Verification

When in Doubt, Do Both
The Times of My Life
Healing Medicare

Police Powers in Canada
The Evolution and Practice of Authority