Browse Books in Political Science

Do Conventions Matter?
Choosing National Party Leaders in Canada

This Year In Jerusalem

Necessary Illusions
Thought Control in Democratic Societies

The Rights of Minority Cultures

Democracy of Despots

Reconstructing Political Pluralism

On the Land
Confronting the Challenges to Aboriginal Self-Determination

Canada's Century
Governance in a Maturing Society

Institutionalized Cabinet
Governing the Western Provinces

Governance in a Changing Environment

How Ottawa Spends, 1995-96
Mid-life Crisis

Entering the Warzone
A Mohawk Perspective on Resisting Invasions

Beyond Quebec
Taking Stock of Canada

State and Status
The Rise of the State and Aristocratic Power in Western Europe
Technology, Information, and Public Policy

Aboriginal Self-Government in Urban Areas

The Nixon Administration and the Making of U.S. Nuclear Strategy

Thinking Union
Activism and Education in Canada’s Labour Movement

Canada and the OAS
From Dilettante to Full Partner

Hard Lessons
The Mine Mill Union in the Canadian Labour Movement

Progress Without People
New Technology, Unemployment, and the Message of Resistance