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Browse Books in General

Colony and Confederation

Early Canadian Poets and Their Background

edited by George Woodcock

The Calling of the Nations

Exegesis, Ethnography, and Empire in a Biblical-Historic Present

edited by Mark Vessey, Sharon Betcher, Robert Daum & Harry Maier

The Poetics of Dante's Paradiso

by (author) Massimo Verdicchio

Northrop Frye's Writings on Shakespeare and the Renaissance

by (author) Northrop Frye
edited by Troni Y. Grande & Garry Sherbert

Forgetful Muses

Reading the Author in the Text

by (author) Ian Lancashire

Performing Women

Theatre, Politics, and Dissent in North India

by (author) Nandi Bhatia

Horizontal Surfaces

by (author) George Bowering

Sacred and Profane in Chaucer and Late Medieval Literature

Essays in Honour of John V. Fleming

by (author) Robert Epstein & Will Robins

Literature and the Press

by (author) Louis Dudek

Translating Pain

Immigrant Suffering in Literature and Culture

by (author) Madelaine Hron

A Moving Rhetoricke

Gender and silence in early modern England

by (author) Christina Luckyj

Saints Alive

Word, Image, and Enactment in the Lives of the Saints

by (author) David Williams

At Alberta


by (author) Nathalie Stephens

Locating the Past / Discovering the Present

Perspectives on Religion, Culture, and Marginality

edited by David Gay & Stephen R. Reimer

Animal Alterity

Science Fiction and the Question of the Animal

by (author) Sherryl Vint

The Oxford Handbook of the Elegy

edited by Karen Weisman

Listening In

Broadcasts, Speeches, and Interviews by Elizabeth Bowen

edited by Allan Hepburn

Stories of the Middle Space

Reading the Ethics in Postmodern Realisms

by (author) Deborah C. Bowen

Enchanted Objects

Visual Art in Contemporary Fiction

by (author) Allan Hepburn

Population Me:

Essays on David McGimpsey

edited by Alessandro Porco

Northrop Frye on Twentieth-Century Literature


edited by Glen Robert Gill

Virgil the Blind Guide

Marking the Way through the Divine Comedy

by (author) Lloyd H. Howard

Gothic Canada

Reading the Spectre of a National Literature

by (author) Justin D. Edwards

The Platonian Leviathan

by (author) Leon Harold Craig

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