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Fluid Arguments

by (author) Nicole Brossard
edited by Susan Rudy
translated by Ann-Marie Wheeler

Aeschylus: Prometheus Bound

edited by A.J. Podlecki

The Selected Journals of L.M. Montgomery, Volume V: 1935-1942

edited by Mary Rubio & Elizabeth Waterston

Sanity, Madness, Transformation

The Psyche in Romanticism

by (author) Ross Woodman
edited by Joel Faflak

Constructing Colonial Discourse

Cook at Nootka Sound, 1778

by (author) N.E. Currie

Pleasure of Fools

Essays in the Ethics of Laughter

by (author) Jure Gantar

The Pleasure of Fools

Essays in the Ethics of Laughter

by (author) Jure Gantar

An Audience of One

Dorothy Osborne's Letters to Sir William Temple, 1652-1654

by (author) Carrie Hintz

Gospels and Grit

Work and Labour in Carlyle, Conrad, and Orwell

by (author) Rob Breton

ReCalling Early Canada

Reading the Political in Literary and Cultural Production

edited by Jennifer Blair, Daniel Coleman, Kate Higginson & Lorraine York

The Selected Journals of L.M. Montgomery, Volume IV:1929-1935

edited by Mary Rubio & Elizabeth Waterston

An Anthology of Canadian Native Literature in English

edited by Daniel David Moses & Terry Goldie

Suddenly They Heard Footsteps

Storytelling for the Twenty-First Century

by (author) Dan Yashinsky

Response to Death

The Literary Work of Mourning

edited by Christian Riegel

Subterranean Worlds

A Critical Anthology

by (author) Peter Fitting

The Growth of A la recherche du temps perdu

A Chronological Examination of Proust's Manuscripts from 1909 to 1914 (Two Volume Set)

by (author) Anthony R. Pugh

Character Parts

Who's Really Who in CanLit

by (author) Brian Busby

Spontaneous Overflows and Revivifying Rays

Romanticism and the Discourse of Improvisation

by (author) Angela Esterhammer

King Lear

by (author) Alexander Leggatt

Christopher Smart

by (author) Neil Curry

Masculinities without Men?

Female Masculinity in Twentieth-Century Fictions

by (author) Jean Bobby Noble

Writing Addiction

Towards a Poetics of Desire & Its Others

edited by Béla Szabados & Kenneth G. Probert

Genetic Criticism

Texts and Avant-textes

edited by Jed Deppman, Daniel Ferrer & Michael Groden

Servile Ministers

Othello, King Lear and the Sacralization of Service (the 2003 Garnett Sedgewick Memorial Lecture)

by (author) Michael Neill

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