Browse Books in Literary Criticism

My Mother's Voice
Children, Literature, and the Holocaust

Stages and Playgoers
From Guild Plays to Shakespeare

(Ad)dressing Our Words
Aboriginal Perspectives on Aboriginal Literature

P.K. Page
Essays On Her Works

Adele Wiseman
Essays on Her Works

Impure, Reinventing the Word
The Theory, Practice and Oral history of Spoken Word in Montreal

Facsimiles of Time

Chaucer and Language
Essays in Honour of Douglas Wurtele

Chaucer and Language
Essays in Honour of Douglas Wurtele

Rewriting Germany from the Margins
“Other” German Literature of the 1980s and 1990s

Books and Readers in Early Modern England
Material Studies

The Gothic and Jacques Derrida's Ghost Writing

Still Complaining

Medieval Woman's Song
Cross-Cultural Approaches
Alistair Macleod
Parallel To Life

The Diaries of Northrop Frye, 1942-1955

Russia and Ukraine
Literature and the Discourse of Empire from Napoleonic to Postcolonial Times

Ovid and the Renaissance Body

Toward a New Critical Theory in Honour of Jerry Zaslove

Ernest Buckler
Rediscovery and Reassessment

David Solway
Essays on his Works

Eating Their Words
Cannibalism and the Boundaries of Cultural Identity