Browse Books in Literary Criticism
Changing the Terms
Translating in the Postcolonial Era
Vision, the Gaze, and the Function of the Senses in “Celestina”
The Last Canadian Poet
An Essay on Al Purdy
Youth in Revolutionary Russia
Enthusiasts, Bohemians, Delinquents
To Arrive Where You Are
Literary Journalism from The Banff Centre for the Arts
This Is Our Writing
Monk Lewis
A Critical Biography
Broken Entries
Damned Women
Lesbians in French Novel
Between Literature and Science
Poe, Lem and Explorations in Aesthetics, Cognitive Science, and Literary Knowledge
Architectonics of Imitation in Spenser, Daniel, and Drayton
A Magical Clockwork
The Art of Writing the Poem
Medieval Arts Doctrines on Ambiguity and Their Places in Langland's Poetics
Reformers On Stage
Popular Drama and Propaganda in the Low Countries of Charles V, 1515-1556
The Faerie Queene and Middle English Romance
The Matter of Just Memory
Caterina Edwards
Essays on her Works
Sharon Pollock
Essays On Her Works
Locations of the Sacred
Essays on Religion, Literature, and Canadian Culture
General Consent in Jane Austen
A Study of Dialogism
Verbal Art
A Philosophy of Literature and Literary Experience
Selected Poems
E.J. Pratt
E.J. Pratt: Selected Poems
E.J. Pratt
Angelic Echoes
Hervé Guibert and Company
Elizabeth Jane Weston
Collected Writings