Browse Books in Literary Criticism
History, Literature, and Music in Scotland, 700-1560
The Hydra's Tale
Imagining Disgust
A Hot Eyed Moderate
Reading Nelligan
A Moment's Liberty
The Shorter Diary
Progressive Heritage
The Evolution of a Politically Radical Literary Tradition in Canada
Enabling Engagements
Edmund Spenser and the Poetics of Patronage
All Amazed
For Roy Kiyooka
Northern Experience and the Myths of Canadian Culture
The Peony Pavilion, Second Edition
Mudan Ting
When Words Deny the World
Canadian Odyssey
A Reading of Hugh Hood's The New Age/Le nouveau siècle
Canadian Odyssey
A Reading of Hugh Hood's The New Age/Le nouveau siècle
The Politics of Enchantment
Romanticism, Media, and Cultural Studies
Republic Denied
Where the Words Come From
Canadian Poets in Conversation
Textual Situations
Three Medieval Manuscripts and Their Readers
Speculative Fictions
Contemporary Canadian Novelists and the Writing of History
Rethinking Literary History
A Dialogue on Theory
Painting with Words, Writing with Pictures
Word and Image Relations in the Work of Italo Calvino
The Elizabethan Theatre Vol. XV
An Introduction to Semiotics