Browse Books in Literary Criticism
Native Poetry in Canada
A Contemporary Anthology
Thomas Hardy's Public Voice
The Essays, Speeches, and Miscellaneous Prose
Long Drums and Cannons
Nigerian Dramatists and Novelists, 1952-1966
The Old English Elegies
A Critical Edition and Genre Study
Robert Creeley
A Biography
The Art of Compromise
The Life and Work of Leonid Leonov, 1899-1994
Exiled From Light
Divine Law, Morality, and Violence in Milton's Samson Agonistes
Dystopian Fiction East and West
Universe of Terror and Trial
Robertson Davies
A Mingling of Contrarieties
Living Prism
Itineraries in Comparative Literature
Remnants of Nation
On Poverty Narratives by Women
Louis Dudek
Essays on His Works
The Vintage Book of Canadian Memoirs
Margaret Laurence
Critical Reflections
Essays on Contemporary Poetry
Aritha Van Herk
Mary Wollstonecraft and Mary Shelley
Writing Lives
Schede Di Lavoro #2-2Nd Edition-Teachers
After Augustine
The Meditative Reader and the Text
How Should I Read These?
Native Women Writers in Canada
Strict Metrical Tradition
Variations in the Literary Iambic Pentameter From Sidney and Spenser to Matthew Arnold
The One and the Many
English-Canadian Short Story Cycles
Essaying Montaigne
A Study of the Renaissance Institution of Writing and Reading
Formulas of Repetition in Dante's Commedia
Signposted Journeys Across Textual Space