Browse Books in 20th Century

From Manila to Manitoba
Winnipeg's Filipino Health Professionals (c. 1950-1970)

Villa Air-Bel
World War II, Escape, and a House in Marseille

The Romeo Initiative

Assault on Juno

Rites of Spring
The Great War and the Birth of the Modern Age

Rms Titanic
Gilded Lives Fatal Voyage

Psychedelic Psychiatry
LSD on the Canadian Prairies

The Chamberlain-Hitler Collusion

Canada on the Doorstep

“Here Is Hell”
Canada's Engagement in Somalia

The Middle Power Project
Canada and the Founding of the United Nations

Cold War Soldier
Life on the Front Lines of the Cold War

Cold War Soldier
Life on the Front Lines of the Cold War

Chocolate Wars
The 150-Year Rivalry Between the World’s Greatest Chocolate Makers

The Diary of an Artillery Officer
The First Canadian Divisional Artillery on the Western Front

Inventing Atlantic Canada
Regionalism and the Maritime Reaction to Newfoundland's Entry into Canadian Confederation

Orienting Canada
Race, Empire, and the Transpacific

Labour at the Lakehead
Ethnicity, Socialism, and Politics, 1900-35

The Shock of War
Civilian Experiences, 1937-1945

Ortona Street Fight

The Way of the Bachelor
Early Chinese Settlement in Manitoba

Eating Bitterness
New Perspectives on China's Great Leap Forward and Famine

Children's Exodus
A History of the Kindertransport

A World Beyond Borders
An Introduction to the History of International Organizations