Browse Books in 20th Century

The Myth of the Good War
America in the Second World War, revised edition
The Pulse of Modernism
Physiological Aesthetics in Fin-de-Siècle Europe

Thinking Radical Democracy
The Return to Politics in Post-War France

Tell It to the World
International Justice and the Secret Campaign to Hide Mass Murder in Kosovo

The Inspiring Story of Ethiopia's Victory over Mussolini's Invasion, 1935-–1941

Cavalry of the Air
An Illustrated Introduction to the Aircraft and Aces of the First World War

Who's Afraid of the Black Blocs?
Anarchy in Action around the World

A Halifax Boyhood
Growing up on the city's outskirts in the 1940s and 50s

W Hour

The Hidden Package

Suddenly the Shadow Fell

As the Lilacs Bloomed

Traces of What Was

My Heart is At Ease

Joy Runs Deeper

We Sang in Hushed Voices

Surviving Trench Warfare
Technology and the Canadian Corps, 1914-1918, Second Edition

Le « moment 68 » et la réinvention de l’Acadie

Le « moment 68 » et la réinvention de l’Acadie
Le « moment 68 » et la réinvention de l’Acadie

Health Care
A Postcard History of Twentieth-Century Attitudes and Practices

Fighting to Lose
How the German Secret Intelligence Service Helped the Allies Win the Second World War

History Makers
100 Most Influential People of the Twentieth Century

Memoir of a Canadian in the Spanish Civil War