Browse Books in 20th Century

In Hiding

If Only It Were Fiction

If, By Miracle

Gatehouse to Hell

Let the Eastern Bastards Freeze in the Dark
The West Versus the Rest Since Confederation

Under the Blue Beret
A U.N. Peacekeeper in the Middle East

Disassembly Required
A Field Guide to Actually Existing Capitalism

Foreign Modernism
Cosmopolitanism, Identity, and Style in Paris

Contesting the Moral High Ground
Popular Moralists in Mid-Twentieth-Century Britain

Writing Unemployment
Worklessness, Mobility, and Citizenship in Twentieth-Century Canadian Literatures

The Sixties and Beyond
Dechristianization in North America and Western Europe, 1945-2000

Cult of the Will
Nervousness and German Modernity

Imagining Winnipeg
History through the Photographs of L.B. Foote

Winston Churchill and Mackenzie King
So Similar, So Different

Founding a Balkan State
Albania's Experiment with Democracy, 1920-1925

Russia in 1913

Knocking on Every Door

Little Girl Lost

If Home is Not Here

Fleeing from the Hunter

The Shadows Behind Me

Tenuous Threads / One of the Lucky Ones

Survival Kit