Browse Books in History

Winnipeg Landmarks
Vol. I

Military Spending in Developing Countries

Steeped In Tradition
A Celebration of Tea

Opération Friction 1990-1991
Golfe Persique: Le rôle joué par les Forces canadiennes

Operation Friction 1990-1991
The Canadian Forces in the Persian Gulf

Jesuit Series
Part One, A-D

White Tie and Decorations
Sir John and Lady Hope Simpson in Newfoundland, 1934-1936

As Their Natural Resources Fail
Native Peoples and the Economic History of Northern Manitoba, 1870-1930

The Detroit Tigers
Club and Community, 1945-1995

The Detroit Tigers
Club and Community, 1945-1995
Becoming Canadian
Memoirs of an Invisible Immigrant

The Enigma of Cannibalism on the Pacific NW Coast

Not All of Us Were Brave

The Burning of the Valleys
Daring Raids from Canada Against the New York Frontier in the Fall of 1780

Voicing the Void
Muteness and Memory in Holocaust Fiction

The Blacks in Canada
A History, Second Edition

Japan Works
Power and Paradox in Postwar Industrial Relations
Agrarian Revolt in Western Canada, The

Listening for the Text
On the Uses of the Past

Another Time, Another Place
Strange & Curious
Unusual Newfoundland Stories
Crowd from Roaring Cove, The

Vignettes of a Small Town

Diplomacy of Prudence
Canada and Israel, 1948-1958