Browse Books in History

The Welland Canals and their Communities
Engineering, Industrial, and Urban Transformation

Growing Up
Childhood in English Canada from the Great War to the Age of Television

Changing Canada: Student Book
The Bedroom and the State
The Changing Practices and Politics of Contraception and Abortion in Canada, 1880-1997

Music Discourse from Classical to Early Modern Times
Editing and Translating Texts

Recent Social Trends in Russia 1960-1995
Away Beyond the Virgin Rocks
A Tribute to John Cabot

Klondike Paradise

Backwoods of Canada

Louis XV's Army (3)
Foreign Infantry

A Small Town at the Edge

Bon Echo
The Denison Years

The Philosophy of Railways
The Transcontinental Railway Idea in British North America

Painting in the Age of Giotto
A Historical Reevaluation

The Buchans Miners
A Mining and Hockey Legacy

Daylight in the Swamp
Memoirs of Selwyn Dewdney

In Search of History
Historiography in the Ancient World and the Origins of Biblical History

Arctic Cairn Notes
Canoeists' Reflections on the Hanbury-Thelon & Kazan Rivers

Born at the Right Time
A History of the Baby Boom Generation

Becoming Modern in Toronto
The Industrial Exhibition and the Shaping of a Late Victorian Culture
The Knight-Monks of Vichy France
Uriage, 1940-1945, Second Edition

The Vindications: The Rights of Men and The Rights of Woman

Resistance and Revolution
Vaclav Havel's Czechoslovakia

Making Good
Law and Moral Regulation in Canada, 1867-1939.