Browse Books in History

Our Young Soldier
Lieutenant Francis Simcoe 6 June 1791-6 April 1812

The Caribou Disaster
And Other Short Stories

Methodists and Women's Education in Ontario, 1836-1925

History and Ethnography of the Beothuk

An Enduring Heritage
Black Contributions to Early Ontario

De Witt Clinton and the Rise of the People's Men

Money and Exchange in Canada to 1900

A Scandinavian Heritage
200 Years of Scandinavian Presence in the Windsor-Detroit Border Region

Charles de Salaberry
Soldier of the Empire, Defender of Quebec

James FitzGibbon
Defender of Upper Canada

Careless at Work
Selected Canadian historical studies

Edmund Morris
Frontier Artist

The Capital Years
Niagara-On-The-Lake, 1792-1796

Escaping Hell
The story of a Polish underground officer in Auschwitz and Buchenwald

The Capital Years
Niagara-on-the-Lake 1792-1796

His Majesty's Indian Allies
British Indian Policy in The Defence of Canada, 1774-1815

Scrum Wars
The Prime Ministers and the Media

A Debate on Wilderness

His Majesty's Indian Allies
British Indian Policy in the Defence of Canada 1774-1815

Gael Force
A Century of Football at Queen's

Lightkeeping on the St. Lawrence
The end of an era

The Heart of York Region

Tales from the Great Lakes
Based on C.H.J. Snider's "Schooner days"