Browse Books in History

Minerva's Message
Stabilizing the French Revolution

National Album
Collective Biography and the Formation of the Canadian Middle Class

Changing Women, Changing History
A Bibliography of the History of Women in Canada

Opportunity Road
Yonge Street 1860-1939

Under the Sign of the Big Fiddle
The R.S. Williams Family, Manufacturers and Collectors of Musical Instruments

Bird of Paradox
The Unpublished Writings of Wilson Duff

History of the German Resistance, 1933-1945

The History of the German Resistance, 1933-1945
Canadian Revolution From Deference To Defiance
From Deference to Defiance

I Remember Sunnyside
To California by Sea
A Maritime History of the California Gold Rush

Lobsticks and Stone Cairns
Human Landmarks in the Arctic

Cold War Canada
The Making of a National Insecurity State, 1945-1957

Reclaiming William Morris
Englishness, Sublimity, and the Rhetoric of Dissent

Place Names of Atlantic Canada

Journey to Vaja
Reconstructing the World of a Hungarian-Jewish Family

Impossible Nation

They Never Rationed Courage
A Good Solid Comfortable Establishment
An Illustrated History of Lower Fort Garry

Germanic Warrior AD 236-568

On the Edge
Women Making Hockey History

The Arctic
Enigmas and Myths
The Puck Starts Here
The Origin of Canada's Great Winter Game, Ice Hockey

Edward James Lennox
"Builder of Toronto"