Browse Books in History

The Uncertain Business of Doing Good
Outsiders in Africa

Catch That Tiger
Churchill's Secret Order That Launched the Most Astounding and Dangerous Mission of World War II

Kwakwa̲ka̲'wakw Settlements, 1775-1920
A Geographical Analysis and Gazetteer

Lost Girls
Sex and Death in Renaissance Florence

Idea of Popular Schooling in Upper Canada
Print Culture, Public Discourse, and the Demand for Education

Fluorspar Mines of Newfoundland
Their History and the Epidemic of Radiation Lung Cancer

Natives and Settlers Now and Then
Historical Issues and Current Perspectives on Treaties and Land Claims in Canada

Father August Brabant
Saviour or Scourge?

Vladimir Krajina
World War II Hero and Ecology Pioneer

Knocking on Every Door

Little Girl Lost

If Home is Not Here

Fleeing from the Hunter

The Shadows Behind Me

Tenuous Threads / One of the Lucky Ones

Survival Kit

From Generation to Generation

Weird U.S. Laws

Trucking in British Columbia
An Illustrated History

A Story of the Hard Fighting Tribal Class Destroyers of the Royal Canadian Navy on the Murmansk Convoy, the English Channel...

Tomorrow's Giant, Reissue

Cinema and Social Change in Germany and Austria

The Long Way Back