Browse Books in History

With Friends Like These
Entangled Nationalisms and the Canada-Quebec-France Triangle, 1944-1970

Epidemic Encounters
Influenza, Society, and Culture in Canada, 1918-20

Lion, The Eagle, and Upper Canada, Second Edition
A Developing Colonial Ideology

The Lion, The Eagle, and Upper Canada
A Developing Colonial Ideology, Second Edition

All Roads Lead to Wells
Stories of the Hippie Days

Government Street
Victoria’s Heritage Mile

Commemorative Medals of The Queen's Reign in Canada, 1952–2012

Commemorative Medals of The Queen's Reign in Canada, 1952-2012

In Search of R.B. Bennett

Planter Links

Nova Scotia Planters in the Atlantic World 1760-1830

The Last House Of Ulster
A Family in Belfast - 10th Anniversay

J. Edgar Hoover Goes to the Movies
The FBI and the Origins of Hollywood's Cold War

The Romeo Initiative

Settlement, Subsistence, and Change Among the Labrador Inuit
The Nunatsiavummiut Experience

The Battle of Batoche
British Small Warfare and the Entrenched Métis

Researching Your Irish Ancestors at Home and Abroad
Researching Your Irish Ancestors at Home and Abroad

Unbuilt Victoria

Researching Your Irish Ancestors at Home and Abroad

A Neighbourly War
New Brunswick and the War of 1812

Isaac Brock
Canada's Hero in the War of 1812

Those Earlier Hills
Reminiscences 1928 to 1961

What It Is, What It Can Be

Elections in Oxford County, 1837-1875
A Case Study of Democracy in Canada West and Early Ontario